TC Control Group System

Controls engineering plays a key role in controlling critical environments, where precision and consistency are key to maintaining your facility's operations. Whether your facility is a commercial office, a complex lab, or an indoor grow, our products and services are tailored to the unique needs of your operation. They include:

Climate Control a. In non-agricultural applications, we design and implement control systems that regulate temperature, humidity, lighting, and CO2 levels to ensure human comfort and energy management.

b. In agricultural applications, we design and implement control systems that regulate temperature, humidity, lighting, watering, nutrient, and CO2 levels to ensure optimal growing conditions for a wide range of crops.
Lighting Control We design lighting systems that mimic natural daylight cycles and provide the ideal spectrum of light for specific crops.
Irrigation Control We design and implement irrigation systems that deliver water and nutrients to crops in precise amounts, ensuring optimal growth and yield.
Data Analytics We can integrate data analytics into our control systems, providing clients with real-time data on crop growth and facility performance, which growers can use to make informed management decisions.
Remote Monitoring We can provide remote monitoring of control systems, allowing clients to monitor both their facilities and crops from anywhere, at any time, and promptly take action when necessary.

TC Control Group System

We take the power of Johnson’s HVAC controls and the ingenuity of Argus’s horticultural control system and integrate the two into a robust, highly effective system that can control your entire grow facility.

Key Benefits

  • Full Facility Control in one system
  • Reduces redundancy
  • Provides increased risk mitigation
  • Standardizable across multiple facilities
Hoogendoorn Growth Management
Powered by Hoogendoorn Growth Management

The TC Control Group has solidified a strategic partnership with Hoogendoorn Growth Management. Hoogendoorn, a Dutch firm with more than 50 years of experience, is one of the front runners in the horticultural industry and is present in more than 100 countries. TC Control Group is the exclusive partner for your Hoogendoorn needs, and we can provide you and your facility with a customized soliton that monitors and controls your entire grow operation. From your water room all the way to your HVAC, our Hoogendoorn solutions will allow you to grow the greatest yields while mitigating risks and creating predictability.

Key Benefits
  • Intuitive, proven controls
  • 2-Way API Integration
  • Compatible with any size grow
Request a demo or quote NEW! IIVO Compact+
Argus Controls
Powered by Argus Controls

The Argus TITAN System provides a powerful, integrated solution for managing all your horticultural operations. It lets you manage your entire operation from your central command center, a networked PC, or your mobile device.

Key Benefits

  • Highly customizable
  • Scalable for expanding operations
  • Flexible to suit changing requirements
Learn More Time to upgrade:
Classic to Titan
Johnson Controls
Powered by Johnson Controls

Critical building environments demand smart, robust controls. Johnson Controls Facility Explorer (FX) Building Automation System is the foundation of modern building energy management efficiency.

Key Benefits
  • Full facility control in one system
  • Reduces redundancy
  • Provides increased risk mitigation
  • Standardizable across multiple facilities
Request a demo or quote Learn More

Why use TC Control Group?

To ensure optimal results, we get involved very early in the design phase of a project. Integrating the best technologies from different manufacturers, we build control systems that provide optimal performance for your specific facility.

Our Approach